Registration Manual
The Registration Manual informs you about the registration proces (including application and assessment process). To find the applicable type of application, use 'How to apply?'
Update 7-2-2025:
- Endocrine disruption assessment for humans for the active substance(s) in a product
Application types
The registration manual guides you through the following application types:
- Product authorisation
- Zonal application NL=zRMS
- Zonal application NL=CMS
- Zonal application Mutual Recognition
- Product Renewals (NL=zRMS and NL=CMS)
Amendments on request
- Major changes
- Minor & administrative changes
- National extension with Minor uses (NLKUG)
- Other authorisations
- Transitional legislation re-registrations under the Regulation
- Simplified authorisations for products containing low tox substances
- Derived trade permits
- Parallel trade permits
- Export certificates
- Application for setting MRL
- Adjuvant authorisation
- Request for information vertebrates testing
- Derogation – Permit for trial purposes
- Derogation – Emergency situation
Active Substance
- Directions for submission
Impact of active substance renewals on ongoing applications
- How we handle your application?
- Fees
- Confidentiality
- Data Protection & sharing, and Public Access
- Decision
- Objection and appeal
- Letter of Access
- Grace period
- Monitoring, Compliance en Enforcement
- Minor uses
- Comparative assessment for products containing Candidate for substitution
- Information on potentially harmful or unacceptable effects
- Endocrine disruption asssessment
Update policy
The registration and evaluation of plant protection products and biocidal products is based on uniform principles. To take into account the developments originating from the ongoing process of European harmonisation and developments in science and technology, the procedures for registration and the methodology for evaluation of products changes and improves continuously.
To make sure the changes are wel documented, an updated version of the registration manual for biocidal products is released once a month. The updates are planned at the beginning of each month. The former versions of the registration manuals are made available in the “archive” of manuals. In every new release, several points are amended / added. In the overview presented on this page, you will find an explanation and a designation of the exact location in the manual for each amendment or addition.
Changes over May 2022
The registration and evaluation of plant protection products and biocidal products is based on uniform principles. To take into account the developments originating from the ongoing process of European harmonisation and developments in science and technology, the procedures for registration and the methodology for evaluation of products changes and improves continuously.
To make sure the changes are we documented, an updated version of the registration manual for plant protection products is released once a month. The updates are planned at the beginning of each month.
In this new release, several points are amended / added. In the overview presented on this page, you will find an explanation and a designation of the exact location in the manual for each amendment or addition. The former versions of the registration manuals are made available in the “archive” of manuals.
Publication: October 2024, previous change: May 2022.
1. Instruction for submission (NL=zRMS)
On this page the sector 'Application forms and templates is updated with a reminder to submitt dRR B10 form even if there is no assessment of the relevance of metabolites in groundwater necessary.
Manual part:
- Zonal Application, Instruction for submission (NL=zRMS).