Application for setting Maximum Residue Limit

An authorisation of a plant protection  product can be granted only if an MRL has been published in the EU that covers the requested use. The maximum residue limit (MRL) is the maximum concentration of a pesticide residue (expressed as mg/kg), that is legally tolerated in or on food (e.g. Fruit, vegetables, meat, milk, eggs) or feed.

Foodstuffs derived from commodities that comply with the respective MRLs are regarded to be safe. A MRL is set on EU level; a decision on the authorisation of a product for the use in Member state or a zone, is a member states competence. As an EU procedure mostly takes more time than a zonal application for registration in NL, we recommend to submit an application for MRL setting before the application for authorisation. It is more likely than, the MRL has been set when the authorisation process ends.

MRL calculator

To calculate the required MRL, you should use the OECD MRL Calculator. You can find a users guide on the OECD website. If the current MRL is not sufficiently high for the requested use, you have to submit a separate application to raise the MRL.

Important note

From 27 March 2021 onwards the Transparency Regulation will be applicable to all applications for active substances and MRL’s. The text on this website is not (fully) adapted to the new situation. Please visit our page on the Transparency Regulation and EFSA for more information about the consequences.