
The Ctgb website is compiled with the utmost care. In doing so, we strive for accurate and up-to-date information.

However, the Ctgb cannot guarantee that the information on the website is correct at the time it is received or that the information is still correct over time. Therefore, you cannot derive rights from the information on the website. If you want to be sure about regulations, decisions or formulations, you must consult the original documents as published, for example, in the Government Gazette. The Ctgb accepts no liability for damages related to the use of this website or the temporary impossibility of consulting this website. The Ctgb is not responsible for the content of websites referred to, or referring to this website. Nor is the Ctgb liable for its contents.

Do you see an error or are you missing information? Then report this to the Ctgb; your response is appreciated and can help us to improve the website.