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116 news items

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  1. Special Evaluation Manual for bio pesticides

    Ctgb developed a special Evaluation Manual for biopesticides. This can help applicants to compile a good dossier. Higher quality ...

    News item | 17-07-2017 | 16:46

  2. Authorisation term for re-registrations of plant protection products under transitional legislation

    From the end of July 2017, re-registrations of plant protection products will be valid until the expiration date/renewal date of ...

    News item | 12-07-2017 | 09:00

  3. Interim solution for the conceptual errors of the soil-bound surface water GEM scenario

    The Greenhouse Emission Model (GEM) versions 3.3.2 and 1.1.1 contain conceptual errors for the soilbound surface (SBSW) water ...

    News item | 06-07-2017 | 14:55

  4. EU Member States approve scientific criteria for endocrine disruptors

    On 4 July, representatives of the EU Member States approved the European Commission proposal for scientific criteria concerning ...

    News item | 05-07-2017 | 09:00

  5. New template for Legal Conditions for Use

    Applications for authorisation, extended authorisation or amendment of an authorisation for a plant protection product include a ...

    News item | 06-06-2017 | 00:00

  6. Guidance on Disinfection By-Products

    By using (predominantly halogenated biocidal products Disinfection By-Products (DBPs) can be formed. DBPs could cause a risk for ...

    News item | 01-06-2017 | 12:45

  7. New guidance documents available for the assessment of hand disinfection in hospitals an for teat disinfection

    At the 19th of January (WGI 2017) the Working group Human Health agreed on two documents from the BPC Ad hoc Working Group on ...

    News item | 02-05-2017 | 13:56

  8. Change in virus claims for disinfectants

    For dossiers submitted as of 30 May 2016, the Ctgb assesses the efficacy of disinfectants in PT01 to PT04 according to the ...

    News item | 06-04-2017 | 14:52

  9. Update Evalutation Manual plant protection products for birds & mammals and aquatox

    The Evaluation Manual (E.M.) plant protection products will be updated in April. The changes concern section ecotoxicology ...

    News item | 23-03-2017 | 09:00

  10. Policy choices concerning the use of GEM for application of plant protection products in greenhouses

    Since March 2016 the guidance document on protected crops and the model GEM (Greenhouse Emission Model) is used for the risk ...

    News item | 21-03-2017 | 09:00