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116 news items

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  1. Acceptance of national and Union authorisation applications

    The Ctgb receives many requests (notifications) to act as evaluating Competent Authority (eCA) for EU national applications and ...

    News item | 21-08-2018 | 16:34

  2. Product to control Pepino mosaic virus is authorised

    During its June meeting, the Board for the Authorization of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb) decided to authorise a ...

    News item | 03-07-2018 | 14:55

  3. Europe agrees to first Union authorisations of biocides reviewed by the Ctgb

    Since 30 May, the first authorisations of biocidal product families have been granted for the whole of the European Union. The ...

    News item | 04-06-2018 | 16:18

  4. New restriction phrases and warning phrases

    The Ctgb has drawn up a list of unambiguous restriction and warning phrases. Restriction phrases indicate conditions within which ...

    News item | 30-05-2018 | 15:55

  5. First simplified biocidal product authorisation that is valid throughout EU approved

    In its meeting on 23 May, the Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb) approved the first ...

    News item | 28-05-2018 | 09:18

  6. Renewals of rodenticide authorisations under strict conditions

    Rodenticides based on anticoagulants are indispensable to protect people, animals, buildings and supplies against disease, ...

    News item | 13-02-2018 | 17:08

  7. Changes on labels for rodenticides as of 1 March 2018

    On 1 March 2018, the derogation period ends for the sale of rodenticides for which the labelling does not comply with 9th ATP ...

    News item | 12-02-2018 | 12:24

  8. New version of EFSA Pesticide Residue Intake Model (PRIMo)

    From 1 February, applicants must calculate the risk for consumers with PRIMo revision 3. After that date, revision 3 of the EFSA ...

    News item | 31-01-2018 | 15:27

  9. New hazard phrase for resistance

    Due to the development of resistance, and potential cross resistance, to antibiotics, the Ctgb can included a new hazard phrase ...

    News item | 30-01-2018 | 15:23

  10. Ctgb approved 83 percent of uses in 2017

    In 2017 the Ctgb made 184 decisions on plant protection products and 65 decisions on biocidal products. Such decisions concern ...

    News item | 17-01-2018 | 09:49