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116 news items

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  1. Revised intake procedure for plant protection products has begun

    In November the transition to a revised intake phase for applications for plant protection products began: the deadlines for ...

    News item | 18-12-2018 | 15:04

  2. In 2019 only evaluated ecological models will be accepted in applications

    In recent guidance documents such as the EFSA Aquatic Guidance Document and EFSA guidance Birds & Mammals, the possibility of ...

    News item | 18-12-2018 | 14:50

  3. International committee gives Ctgb positive evaluation

    The quality of the risk assessment of plant protection products and biocides in the Netherlands exceeds the scientific ...

    News item | 18-12-2018 | 14:26

  4. Ctgb office will close from december 24 till january2, 2019

    The Ctgb office will be closed for one week from 24 december till january 2, 2019, as will ECHA. Applicants who are planning to ...

    News item | 06-12-2018 | 15:00

  5. Brexit has consequences for applications and authorisations

    What are the options until 30 March 2019? On 30 March 2019 at midnight, the United Kingdom (UK) will leave the European Union, at ...

    News item | 20-11-2018 | 17:01

  6. Assessment backlog due to more complex biocidal product applications

    At the end of October, the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission (DG Santé) published a ...

    News item | 09-11-2018 | 15:54

  7. Trial period intake process plant protection products

    The Ctgb starts a trial period till 1 January, 2019, for the shortened intake process. This will allow applicants to get used to ...

    News item | 31-10-2018 | 15:09

  8. Workshop on Plant Protection Products – Introduction DRT classes and consequences for labelling

    To keep applicants informed on developments in Plant Protection Product regulation Ctgb frequently organizes workshops. On ...

    News item | 22-10-2018 | 16:25

  9. Legal conditions for use have now been adapted to the EU prohibition of outdoor use of neonicotinoids

    With its decrees in early September, the Ctgb has implemented the EU decision to limit the authorised use of the neonicotinoids ...

    News item | 17-09-2018 | 16:39

  10. Possible consequences of delayed payment in case of renewal applications

    Ctgb uses the term formal registration date when both the application with essential submission documents and the application fee ...

    News item | 13-09-2018 | 16:52