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  1. The Ctgb makes comparative assessment more effective and efficient

    During its November meeting, the Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb) decided to modify ...

    News item | 01-12-2023 | 13:29

  2. Update Central Zone Evaluation Manual Ecotoxicology

    The central Zone Evaluation Manual for Ecotoxicology has been updated. New agreements have been made in the Central Zone. The ...

    News item | 20-11-2023 | 14:41

  3. International visitation committee is positive about the Ctgb's assessment of plant protection products and biocides

    "The scientific work of the Ctgb and its outcomes are of excellent quality and are appreciated by risk assessors and risk ...

    News item | 13-10-2023 | 09:41

  4. Pesticide atlas is updated with monitoring data of 2022

    On October 6th, 2023, the  Pesticides Atlas (in Dutch: Bestrijdingsmiddelenatlas) has been updated with the monitoring data of ...

    News item | 09-10-2023 | 09:35

  5. Publication update Central Zone Evaluation Manual Ecotoxicology

    The Central Zone Evaluation Manual Ecotoxicology, of which the first version was published in 2021, has been updated following ...

    News item | 22-08-2023 | 16:34

  6. Specifying the instructions for products with a combination of professional and non-professional use

    In the Legal Conditions for Use and Directions for Use (WG/GA) of a product, it is possible to specify the user category: ...

    News item | 22-08-2023 | 12:01

  7. First extended authorisation under accelerated procedure

    In April, the Ctgb approved for the first time an authorisation extended with minor uses based on the new administrative ...

    News item | 15-05-2023 | 11:42

  8. Dutch Competent Authority declines capacity-building grant for assessment of biocides and pesticides

    The Dutch Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb) has decided not to accept the EC grant for ...

    News item | 09-05-2023 | 12:57

  9. Introduction of DROPLET version 1.3.2 in the national authorisation procedure

    The DROPLET model is used within the risk assessment to evaluate whether the active substance exceeds the drinking water limit ...

    News item | 01-05-2023 | 15:14

  10. Ctgb Annual Report 2022, taking steps towards sustainability

    We published our  Annual Report for 2022 and a corresponding infographic (in Dutch). The Report describes how the Ctgb took ...

    News item | 01-05-2023 | 10:39