New dossier format for plant protection product applications

The Ctgb is implementing a revamped case-based IT work environment. This new environment requires a standardised dossier format and standardised file names when submitting applications for plant protection products. This will make the assessment process faster and more efficient.

These format requirements will go into effect on 1 May with a transition period until 1 July 2024. From then on, this new format will be mandatory for all applications for plant protection products, administrative applications excepted. It will also remain possible to submit an application using the CADDY format.

The new format requirements concern the following:

  1. Technical requirements for document names (such as maximum number of characters and invalid characters)
  2. A mandatory folder structure (see manual)
  3. A mandatory Excel file,  completed with document details such as study title, author, publication date, and annex point.

A transitional period will run from 1 May to 1 July 2024. If you submit a dossier that is not in this new format, you may incur additional costs if we have to make the required changes.

A manual on the new dossier format will be published on the website. The dossier format will be mandatory after 1 July 2024. After that date, applications with a dossier that is not submitted in accordance with the new format (or the CADDY format) will not be accepted.

For questions on this topic, please contact the Ctgb Service Desk