Annual Report 2023
The Ctgb, as the competent authority in the Netherlands, is responsible for the assessment and authorisation of plant protection products and biocides. Of the 165 applications for plant protection products, 6% were rejected altogether, 15% of the uses applied for were rejected and in 45% the legal conditions for use were tightened. Of the 138 biocidal products that were applied for, 10% were rejected entirely, 10% of the uses applied for were rejected and in 77% the legal conditions for use were tightened. The Board makes such changes to ensure safe use of the product in question.
For the policy period 2024-2027, the Ctgb adopted a new multi-year strategy with input from various stakeholders. Priorities include shortening turnaround times, making the substance and product assortment more sustainable and gaining a better understanding of the long-term health effects of plant protection products and biocides. To contribute to enhanced sustainability of the product assortment, at the end of 2023 the Ctgb opened a separate Sustainability Desk for the accelerated processing of applications for plant protection products that contribute to more sustainable cultivation. The Ctgb also decided to further specify the European policy of comparative assessment for replacing more products on the European list of 'candidates for substitution' with safer alternatives.
Would you like to know more? Then check out our Annual Review 2023 or our Annual Report 2023.