
These information pages on grace periods are in English, but the grace periods are stated in Ctgb decisions in Dutch. In the Board decision the WG version codes and applicable grace periods can be found in Appendix I - Bijlage I. The argumentation for the grace periods in Dutch can be found in the Board decision. See below in the definition list for explanation on some of the terms:  





Grace periods

See below


Grace period for distribution

Sales, distribution, storage and use are allowed. Maximum 6 months, normally counted from the 1st of the month in which the decision is signed.


Grace period for use

Only storage, use and removal of stocks are allowed. Maximum 12 months starting from the end of the grace period for distribution.

Geen respijt

No grace periods

This means that product labelled with the old WG may no longer be sold, distributed, stored or used from the date into force of the Board decision, or the product may no longer be used at all in case the authorization was withdrawn.

Respijt niet van toepassing (n.v.t.)

Grace periods do not apply


This means that product labelled with the old WG may be used without limit.

Not applicable (abbreviation)

Wettelijk Gebruiksvoorschrift - WG (for short)

Legal Instructions for Use

Dutch format in which the conditions for use of PPP are defined. (The former format was called WGGA, but this is being phased out).


Conditions for use

WG table in which the crops, claims, dose, frequency, interval and PHI are defined

Overige Toepassings-voorwaarden

Other conditions for use

Section of the WG in which restriction and warning sentences are stated



Version management code: this code determines the version of the WG (legal instructions for use).

Het nieuwe gebruiksvoorschrift en de nieuwe etikettering dienen bij de eerstvolgende aanmaak op de verpakking te worden aangebracht.

The new Legal Instructions for Use (WG) and the new classification (CLP) from now on have to be used on any new batch of product packed.

(Standard sentence from the Board decision)

So after the Board decision, grace periods may apply for packed product labelled with the old WG, but as soon as a new batch is packed after the Board decision the new WG (and if applicable the new CLP) have to be used.

Bestaande voorraad Existing stock Existing stock of the product produced for the Dutch market as determined on the date of expiry of the product. It does not matter where it is located, as long as the authorization holder can prove that the stock was predestined for the Dutch market.  It also does not matter whether the stock is already packed in the final commercial packaging with Dutch labels or still in bulk.
In werking treden van een Collegebesluit en nieuwe versie WG Entree into force of a Board decision and new WG-version Board decisions enter into force on the day of publication in the official Dutch Government Journal; de Staatscourant