Newsletter April 2024

The whole story

The Ctgb (Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides) recently decided that it is more motivated than ever to 'tell the whole story'. For example, we answer questions from industry, consumers and journalists, and we do so openly and transparently. This has been our practice for many years, but we have also noticed that the questions – which are often very specific – lead to explanations with a narrow focus. As a result, we tell only part of our story. For this reason, we have decided to be more proactive in telling the whole story. In doing so, we try to convey our complex work in accessible language and provide more context. The question we ask ourselves is essentially: how do I tell my neighbours about my work? Central to this approach is attention to the whole, multifaceted process. 'Are you mindful of the risk of rat infestation?' – 'Yes, but we also need to look at the environmental risks of the products involved'. 'Do you consider the risks of combinations of products?' – 'We are an implementing agency and we implement EU regulations, but an assessment methodology is not yet available for all issues'. There is a lot of interest in our work. Almost weekly, we are contacted with questions by the media and private citizens. However, our assessments involve complex trade-offs where we have to look at all facets of humans, animals and the environment while taking the prevailing statutory frameworks, standards and endpoints into account. You can't judge the work of the Ctgb based on a single data point, a single animal or a single plant.

To help present the whole story, we therefore decided to produce our own podcast. In the podcast (only in Dutch) Middelen, mensen, milieu (Products, People and the Environment) we tell our story in several episodes. This is the story of the Ctgb as a competent authority dealing with policy provisions, regulations and laws, and the story of biocidal product assessment and plant protection product assessment. In subsequent episodes we also aim to cover more topical issues, but always based on the most complete picture possible.

There is a link to the podcast in this newsletter. If you have time, please listen to an episode. I am open to questions and suggestions. And I would greatly appreciate it if you draw other people's attention to the story of the Ctgb. In this way, you help us tell the whole story.

Ingrid Becks,

Appointment Marcel van Raaij

As of June 15, 2024, Dr. Marcel van Raaij (58) is appointed as Secretary-Director of the Ctgb. He succeeds Ingrid Becks-Vermeer, who announced at the beginning of this year that she would leave her position before the summer.

Marcel van Raaij new Secretary-Director of the Ctgb

Image: ©Ctgb

Annual Relationship Day: Dutch spoken

As announced earlier, on Wednesday, June 12, our annual Relationship Day takes place. In the afternoon there will be a farewell reception for Secretary-Director Ingrid Becks. The Relationship Day is in Dutch. Our Dutch speaking relations will soon receive an invitation. If you are interested in participation, please contact our communication team.

New dossier format for plant protection product applications

The Ctgb is implementing a revamped case-based IT work environment. This new environment requires a standardised dossier format and standardised file names when submitting applications for plant protection products. This will make the assessment process faster and more efficient.

Follow the instructions in our manual.

New dossier format for plant protection product applications

Image: ©Ctgb

Risk assessment for bees from February 2026

As discussed previously, ECHA recently published the Guidance to assess the risks to bees from the use of biocides. Now it is further specified that this guidance document is applicable to dossiers (active substances, products) submitted from the 1st of February 2026, except for active substance dossiers in the review program.

Summary of product characteristics needs to be prepared in IUCLID

For an application to have a biocidal product authorised at EU or national level, the summary of product characteristics (SPC) needs to be prepared in IUCLID. The SPC Editor has been phased out.

Since the 12th of February 2024 ECHA has adapted IUCLID to allow the set-up and update of the summary of product characteristics (SPC) needed when applying for biocidal product authorisations.

From this point, SPC files have to be prepared in IUCLID format (.i6z) for submitting applications or updates in the biocides submission tool, R4BP 3. SPC files already uploaded for ongoing applications in R4BP 3 or in approved applications have been automatically migrated to the new format. IUCLID can be downloaded from the IUCLID website or directly used with an account in ECHA Cloud Services.

The SPC Editor, previously used for preparing SPC files, has been discontinued and is no longer accessible from ECHA’s website. However, old SPC files in .xml format can be uploaded to IUCLID and extracted into the required .i6z format.

See for further information on updated manuals ECHA.