Steps in sustainability
December is a time for reflection. Looking back on the past year, we have taken several steps to enhance the availability of 'green' products. Of course, these are modest steps relative to the big goal of sustainability, but they are certainly not insignificant. Everyone contributes to this goal from their role and position, including the Ctgb.
For example, we implemented the new data requirements for micro-organisms and provided workshops on these requirements to help applicants prepare dossiers for active substance applications involving fungi, bacteria or viruses. As a result we have supported the availability of these 'green' products. Due to the great interest in this topic, we are going to repeat this workshop. In addition, we updated and significantly expanded the Ctgb Evaluation Manual for the assessment of micro-organisms. To ensure that the EU deals with the new data requirements in a harmonised way, we have made this manual available to serve as a European guidance document (explanatory notes), which may become available as early as the first half of next year. This year we also provided several training sessions for assessors from the Netherlands and abroad on the assessment of micro-organisms (Better Training for Safer Food), which were led by three of our experts.
Last week we hosted a well-attended workshop on innovative techniques in relation to the assessment framework. Lively discussions took place during interactive sessions and we received valuable input that we can use in the future.
Finally, a new administrative route for extending the authorisations of low-risk products with minor uses will go into effect early next year. The Board has decided that, in principle, no assessment is required for extending the authorisations of low-risk products with minor uses. This is a pragmatic approach that can easily and quickly make low-risk products more widely applicable. You can read more about it in this newsletter.
But first enjoy the holidays and then get back to work refreshed and fully recharged!
I wish you a very happy holiday and all the best for the new year!
Ingrid Becks