Export certificate

Ctgb can, upon request of an exporter, issue an ‘export certificate’ to companies for the benefit of the export to their clients in other countries. An export certificate is a certificate in which Ctgb confirms that the given plant protection product or biocide is authorised or registered for the given field(s) of use pursuant to the Plant Protection Products and Biocides Act and that the particular plant protection product or biocide may be traded freely in the Netherlands and applied in the authorised fields of use.


If you want to export a biocide, Ctgb can  issue an export certificate in which Ctgb confirms that the given biocide is authorised for the given field(s) of use pursuant to the Biociden Act. Under the Treaty of Rome (free trade), no export declaration is needed if the biocidal product  is export to another member state of the European Union or the European Tree Trade Association (EVA or EFTA) participating in the European Economic Area (E.E.R). An export certificate can be provided in English, French or Spanish.

Registration process

For this kind of application the registration process is simple: after we have received the payment and the application form has been completely filled in and approved, you become within 4 weeks the certificate.

Instruction for submission

You can send the application form by e-mail. In contrast to the information on the application form it is not necessary to send it by normal post. After we have received the application form we will send you a conformation letter and an invoice. On the invoice you will find the most important information for the transfer of the payment. The costs of an export certificate have been laid down in the Tariffs Decree of the Ctgb.