First extended authorisation under accelerated procedure

In April, the Ctgb approved for the first time an authorisation extended with minor uses based on the new administrative procedure for low-risk products. As a result, the product could quickly be made available for 12 additional uses in vegetable and fruit crops. The extended authorisation was based on a previous authorisation from 2018.

The new procedure enables accelerated processing and decision-making, which is possible because no substantive risk assessment is required. This procedure for authorising low-risk products became available on 1 January 2023. The Ctgb sees this first administratively processed extended authorisation as a good example of how low-risk products can be made widely available more quickly.

This low-risk product (trade name Vintec) is based on the Trichoderma atroviride strain SC1 and is used professionally as a fungicide. The low-risk active substance is a benign fungus that protects plants from pathogens.