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  1. 5. Residues risk to consumers EU part em2.2

    Assessment framework PPP | 02-01-2018

  2. 5 Residues

    Assessment framework PPP | 02-01-2018

  3. Evaluation Manual v2.1/2.2/2.3

    January till May 2018 Product authorisation under the BPR The Ctgb regularly publishes Evaluation Manuals, which are technical ...

    Assessment framework Biocides | 02-01-2018

  4. European framework

    Index: Introduction EU framework Physical-Chemical-Properties Efficacy Human Health Environment In addition to the European ...

    Assessment framework Biocides | 02-01-2018

  5. General introduction EM Biocidal products v2.3

    The general introduction provides background information on the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) for products based on active ...

    Assessment framework Biocides | 01-01-2018

  6. Calculation of PEC soil values

    Assessment framework PPP | 22-12-2017

  7. E-zine November 2017

    E-zine November 2017.

    Newsletter | 21-11-2017

  8. How can I see whether a biocidal product is authorised?

    Biocidal products with a statutory authorisation have an N-number with 4 or 5 digits (such as 23456 N) or an NL-number with 11 ...

    Frequently asked questions

  9. How does the Ctgb define data in the public domain?

    'Data from the public domain' is defined as all public data from reliable databases.

    Frequently asked questions

  10. How does the Ctgb deal with data protection?

    The Ctgb is statutorily obligated to respect the rules for data protection. Confidential and restricted data sources are treated ...

    Frequently asked questions