
The legal basis

Simplified authorisations are legally based in Chapter V of the BPR (EU) 528/2012.

Application type criteria

To apply for the simplified authorisation procedure, the biocidal product must be eligible according to Article 25 of the Biocidal Products Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 (BPR):

  • all the active substances contained in the biocidal product appear in Annex I to the BPR and satisfy any restrictions specified in that Annex;
  • the biocidal product does not contain any substance of concern;
  • the biocidal product does not contain any nanomaterials;
  • the biocidal product is sufficiently effective;
  • the handling of the biocidal product and its intended use do not require personal protective equipment.

More details are described in ECHA’s Practical guide on BPR – Simplified authorisation and  in Q&A on simplified authorisation.

Information requirements

Article 20(1)(b) of the BPR lists the requirements for an application foran SA of a BP. More information can be found in ECHA’s Biocides Submission Manual – Application instructions: Simplified authorisations.