Members of the Board and ancillary positions

The Board consists of the following members:

Drs. Rob van Lint (chairman, appointed until 01 july 2026; Declaration of Interests)

Ancillary positions:

  • Consultant ABD Topconsult (Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK))

  • Member of the Program Council and lecturer, Leadership in Public Domain Policy Processes at MW&V

  • Executive Coach, Intercoach

Prof. H.J.P. Eijsackers (vice chairman, member, appointed to 01-02-2021, Declaration of Interests)

Professor by special appointment, Environmental Institute of North West University at Potchefstroom (SA)


  • Ecotoxicology
  • Soil and nature management

Ancillary positions:

  • Scientific integrity committee (Wageningen UR)
  • Supervisory Board RIVM
  • Research advisory committee (Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality)
  • Scientific Sounding Board Group Oostvaardersplassen (SBB)
  • Assessment Committee policy section NL Polar Programme (NWO)
  • Executive Committee (chair) Stichting Beelden op de Berg
  • Executive Committee (chair) Natuurwetenschappelijk Gezelschap Wageningen

Prof. A.P. van Wezel (member, appointed to 01-01-2022, Declaration of Interests)

Director of the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) and professor of Environmental Ecology at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Science (UvA).


  • Risk assessment ​​environmental and water quality

Ancillary positions:

  • Incidental jury works for NWO and STW
  • Member and Vice Chair of the Technical Committee Bodem
  • Member Supervisory Board Postdoctoral Training Toxicology
  • Member Editorial Board 'Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology'
  • Chair (at piket) Crisis Expert Team environment and drinking water

Drs. D.H.J. van de Weerdt (member, appointed to 01-01-2024, Declaration of Interests)

Doctor Society & Health/Medical Environmental Science KNMG (BIG Registration Number 49024812301):

  • Senior Environmental and Health Advisor - GGD’s Gelderland and Overijssel
  • Health Advisor for Hazardous Substances for the Safety Regions in Gelderland and Overijssel


  • Human toxicology, risk assessment of human health
  • European registered toxicologist  (Registration Number 08023)

Ancillary positions:

  • Trainer 1st en 2nd Phase Netherlands School of Public and Occupational health (NSPOH)
  • Partner Bureau Medical Environmental Sciences Jans, Van den Hazel & van de Weerdt
  • Consultant for WHO-PAHO

Dr. ir. M.M. Riemens PhD (member, appointed to 01-01-2024, Declaration of Interests)

Team Manager Crop Protection Wageningen Plant Research, Wageningen University & Research


  • Agriculture in the netherlands
  • Arable farming
  • Plant and crop protection
  • Weeds

Ancillary positions: none

Alternate members

Dr. M. Wolfs (alternate member, appointed to 01-01-2022, Declaration of Interests)

Is retired.


  • Biocidal chemistry
  • Enforcement
  • Analysis methods nanomaterials

Ancillary positions: none.

Drs. N. van der Meer (alternate member, appointed to 01-01-2026, Declaration of Interests)


  • Occupational chemical exposure and risk assessment

  • Research and consultancy

Ancillary positions:

  • Independent occupational hygiene, advisor MEER Prevention
  • Member of expertise center toxicology of the cooperative PreventPartner, Coöperatie PreventPartner
  • Examiner Personal Certification Scheme for Occupational Hygienists, Hobéon SKO
  • Examiner and mentor post-HBO specialization Occupational Hygiene, Foundation PHOV

Dr. J. Poulis (alternate member, appointed to 01-01-2026, Declaration of Interests)

Ancillary positions: none

Dr. M. van Raaij Becks (secretary, not a member of the Board, Declaration of Interests)

Director/Secretary (not a member):

Ancillary position:

  • Member of the supervisory council at the Dutch Institute for Rational Use of Medicine
  • Co-owner SiMeliore VOF (Music, Culture & Eduction)