Interested parties can request information from the Ctgb by invoking the Open Government Act (Wet open overheid; Woo). The Woo is the successor to the Government Information (Public Access) Act, which provided the basis for disclosure requests until 30 April 2022. The response to such requests with the disclosed information can be found on the page Wet open overheid (in Dutch). Because of its size, the Zembla Woo request (in Dutch) is on a separate page.
According to the Open Government Act (Woo), you can request the Ctgb to make certain information public. This information must be documented. The Act defines what type of information the Ctgb must disclose and the grounds for exceptions.
The request
In your request, you specify the matter or the related document about which you want to receive information. To submit a Woo request, you need not have direct interest in the matter. The Ctgb confirms receipt of a Woo request. If a request is formulated too generally, the Ctgb asks you to specify the request within two weeks of receiving it.
Extensive request
If a request is so extensive that a decision cannot be made within the deadline, the Ctgb will consult with you before the end of that deadline about prioritising the processing of the request. The Ctgb provides the requested documents as much as possible in the order you requested them.
To the extent that your request relates to information held by another administrative body, your request will be forwarded to that administrative body without delay, with notification of the forwarding.
In principle, all disclosures are public disclosures. The Ctgb therefore publishes all disclosures resulting from a Woo request on its website.
For Woo requests, please contact our Woo officer by email or by phone during business hours (9:00 AM and 17:00 AM CET/CEST) at: +31 317 471810.
If you disagree with the decision on your Woo request, you can file an objection.