Confidentiality of data in (draft) Registration Report

The Ctgb complies with the General Data Protection Regulation. One of its provisions is that all personal names, except for author names of public studies, are confidential and must therefore be blacked out when publishing a document.

The decisions taken by the Ctgb are published in full and come into effect only after publication in the Staatscourant (Government Gazette). Decisions about applications for plant protection products (including Part A if applicable) are published in the Staatscourant with a link to the full Registration Report (RR) on the Ctgb website.

When submitting an application, on the draft Registration Report (dRR) applicants are requested to shade all personal data in grey, except for author names of public studies. This requirement applies to all applications submitted from 1 October 2022.
For pending applications, prior to publication of the decisions, applicants are requested to check the RR for any confidential data, including personal data, and to shade it in grey.

For zonal applications submitted according to Article 33 (Application for authorisation or amendment of an authorisation), Article 40 (Mutual Recognition) or Article 43 (Renewal of authorisation), applicants are also requested to indicate the additional confidential information on a standard form (Request for confidentiality of data), which is available on the Ctgb website. A substantiation of the claim for confidentiality is also requested On the dRR, the applicant shades the confidential information in grey. The substantiation of the claim is assessed by the Ctgb.