Amendment to the in 2020 introduced influx restriction for plant protection applications
At the end of 2020, an influx (acceptance) restriction was set for the following three plant protection application types:
- (inter)zonal applications for new products with the Ctgb as (inter)zonal Rapporteur Member State ((i)zRMS)
- (inter)zonal applications with the Ctgb as (inter)zonal Rapporteur Member State ((i)zRMS) for changes to and extensions of product authorisations and
- applications for new active substances with the Ctgb as Rapporteur Member State (RMS).
For these applications, the Ctgb works with the issuance of time slots. The application can be submitted in the provided time slot (combination quarter/year). A fixed maximum number of time slots per year is available for each individual application type.
In order to offer space to as many applicants as possible as a rapporteur for new active substances and (inter)zonal rapporteur for product assessments, per company on average a maximum of one time slot per application type per year was available for the relevant types of applications.
Because the influx restriction will be partly phased out, this set maximum is no longer applicable with immediate effect. As long as capacity is available, companies can again request for multiple time slots for submission per type of application per year.
There are no changes to other types of applications.
At the moment, the Ctgb as rapporteur still has room for (inter)zonal amendment/extension applications. For new products, in addition to the planned applications already accepted, we have as rapporteur room for applications in 2026 and beyond. For new active substances, this will be in 2027 and beyond.
If you would like to ask the Ctgb to act as ((inter)zonal) rapporteur and you are curious about the first available time slot for submission, please contact the account manager crop protection.