International visitation committee is positive about the Ctgb's assessment of plant protection products and biocides
"The scientific work of the Ctgb and its outcomes are of excellent quality and are appreciated by risk assessors and risk managers within the EU. The Ctgb is making an important contribution to the development and harmonisation of EU and international guidance documents." These are the main conclusions of the International Visitation Committee (IVC) that in May this year reviewed the scientific functioning of the Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb). The committee consisted of five independent international experts in risk assessment and European assessment frameworks. While presenting the report, the chair of the IVC, Dr. Anthony Hardy, emphasised the Ctgb's openness as experienced by its clients and other stakeholders. The IVC also formulated 15 recommendations to help the organisation move forward and streamline some of its processes more effectively. The report, the recommendations and Ctgb's response have since been submitted to the Lower House of Parliament by the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.
Strong and effective assessment authority
The IVC had free access to all documentation within the Ctgb, including applications and dossiers, assessment reports and minutes of meetings. The Committee concluded that the Ctgb is "a strong and effective assessment authority with sufficient resources and capacity to respond to the expectations of applicants and Dutch and European societyā€¯, and that "the Ctgb's internal and external communication policy is both proactive and transparent, ensuring open communication with all interested parties."
Ctgb's response
Board Chairman Rob van Lint responded to the visitation report as follows: "The report is of great value to us not only due to the positive assessment of the quality of our work but also because of the helpful recommendations. Within the organisation, we are of course rapidly implementing these recommendations."