Trans-Atlantic knowledge exchange

The Ctgb is now exchanging knowledge on the assessment of 'green' (environmentally benign) active substances and plant protection products with scientists at the competent authority in the USA. As a standard practice during the application process, the status of a substance or product in the USA, where green products are much more widely available, will be taken into account. Due to this contact and collaboration, the Ctgb is building a bridge to the USA for European applicants for green substances and products.

Many green substances and products that the Ctgb is required to assess for the European market are already authorised and available in the USA. Previously, dossiers that were evaluated as part of the authorisation process in the USA were not included in the Ctgb assessments. But now the Ctgb can quickly identify – at the request of the applicant – possible gaps in dossiers submitted in Europe. This process may include telephone consultations with colleagues at the EPA. As result, applicants will be able to quickly estimate the outcome of the assessment process and the associated costs. This is because green active substances and products are much more widely available in the USA than in Europe, so the competent authority in the USA has more experience in these matters. This experience is a welcome addition for the Ctgb in its assessment of these substances and products for the European market. This will enable us to lower the authorisation threshold for products in Europe that are already authorised in the USA.