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  1. Is there a difference between professional and private use of a biocidal product?

    In the application for authorisation of a biocidal product, as well as in the legal instructions for use (WG/GA), a distinction ...

    Frequently asked questions

  2. What does professional or non-professional use mean for the authorisation of a biocide or plant protection product?

    In Article 71 (see below) the Plant Protection Products and Biocidal Products Act states that products authorised for ...

    Frequently asked questions

  3. Am I permitted to use a lower dose than prescribed?

    This is only permitted for plant protection products; biocidal product must be used prescribed dosage.

    Frequently asked questions

  4. What happens during a pre-submission meeting?

    During a Pre Submission Meeting the applicant receives procedural and substantive advice about the dossier that is to be ...

    Frequently asked questions

  5. What is a pre-submission meeting (PSM)?

    A Pre Submission Meeting (PSM) is a consultation with a project leader and a number of experts that the Ctgb can organise at the ...

    Frequently asked questions

  6. When is a product defined as a plant protection product?

    The European Regulation on plant protection products 1107/2009 uses the following definition: 'products, in the form that they ...

    Frequently asked questions

  7. With a zonal application, will I automatically receive an authorisation for multiple EU Member States?

    No, but with a zonal application, authorisation in multiple Member States within the zone can be requested simultaneously. Before ...

    Frequently asked questions

  8. When is a product on the market illegally or when is the use of a product illegal?

    Three situations can be distinguished in which a product is on the market illegally or the use of a product is illegal: A product ...

    Frequently asked questions

  9. How can I obtain an authorisation for a plant protection product in another EU Member State?

    There are two possibilities: With a zonal application in the Netherlands (the Netherlands is ZRMS, zonal rapporteur Member ...

    Frequently asked questions

  10. Can the Ctgb also reject an authorisation that is received through a mutual recognition procedure?

    Yes, rejection is possible based on Articles 36.3, 41.1, and 44 of 1107/2009/EC and Articles 11 and 12 of Directive 2009/128/EC.

    Frequently asked questions