
Fees and charges for biocidal products

The fees and charges for an application for authorisation of a biocidal product depend on the status of the active substances in Europe and the specific type of application. Applications under transitional legislation are subject to the Ctgb Tariffs Decree. For applications under the Regulation, fees and charges must often be paid to ECHA as well. Consequently, the fees and charges are subject to both the Ctgb Tariffs Decree and the Implementing Regulation of ECHA.

Small and medium-sized enterprises established in the European Union can benefit from reduced fees under Biocidal Products Regulation, depending on their size and provided that certain conditions are met. In order to do this, companies need to submit the documentary evidence proving their entitlement to such reduction in advance of the actual application. The conditions and the instructions on how to submit the documentation for the SME check are described in more detail on the ECHA website.

Tariffs based on an advance payment and subsequent calculation.

Applicants pay an advance fee for the assessment based on the standard costs. Then the risk assessment follows on various aspects, such as human toxicology, ecotoxicology, behavior and fate in the environment, physicochemical properties and efficacy. The costs depend on the required work and that differs considerably per type of application.

Active substance application:

See Tariffs Decree, page 11: Addendum lll 1a. Application for active substance - subsequent costing
See Tariffs Decree, page 11: Addendum lll 1b. Application with the Netherlands as evaluating Competent Authority (eCA) - subsequent costing
See Tariffs Decree, page 12: Addendum lll 1c. Application with the Netherlands as Concerned Member State - fixed fee
See Tariffs Decree, page 13: Addendum lll 1d. Other application or administrative application – fixed fee

Application under transitional law

See Tariffs Decree, page 13: Addendum lll 2. Fees and charges for product applications and other services and activities where one or more existing active substances for the requested PTs are not yet included in the Union list of approved substances or Annex I of Regulation (EU) 528/2012.
See Tariffs Decree, page 13: Addendum lll 2a. Application for full or limited assessment – fixed fee
See Tariffs Decree, page 14: Addendum lll 2b. Application for an extension of an authorisation – fixed fee
See Tariffs Decree, page 14: Addendum lll 2c. Other application or administrative application – fixed fee

Annual fee for a biocidal product authorised by the Ctgb

See Tariffs Decree, page 14: Addendum lll 3. Annual fee for a biocidal product authorised by the Ctgb

Fees and charges Service Desk

See Tariffs Decree, page 6: Addendum I - Fees and charges, Service Desk