National framework Evaluation Manual Biocidal Products

In addition to the European evaluation framework there is a National framework. Requirements related to national specific elements are listed in this National framework


  1. Introduction NL Framework
  2. Mutual recognitions
  3. The application of national specific elements 
  4. National data requirements
  5. Approval
  6. Developments NL framework

When an active substance is approved under the BPR (EU) 528/2012 consequently the authorisation of biocidal products resigns under the legislative framework of the BPR.

Please check the ECHA website which substance/product type combinations are included in the Review Programme and still under review.

Previous versions of the National framework

  • National framework version 2.1 was published from April 2017​ till January 2019
  • National framework version 2.0 was published from October 2016 till April 2017​.
  • National framework version 1.0 was published till September 2016​.