Pre-submission meeting for biocidal products
Application under transitional legislation
During the preparation of your application dossier, you can request a meeting with our experts to discuss bottlenecks in this application dossier or the application procedure. The consultation option is called a pre-submission meeting (PSM). In the pre-application phase, the Ctgb does not carry out assessments of files or parts of dossiers.
Application under the BPR
Under the BPR, a pre-submission meeting for new applications (national and union applications, biocidal product family) is mandatory. This is possible after signing the eCA agreement, and at the latest 6 months before the intended submission date. See also: Instructions for submitting an application under the BPR. In addition, it is possible to request an extra PSM during the further preparation of the application file to discuss bottlenecks in this application dossier or questions about the application procedure.
Request Pre-submission meeting
You can request a pre-submission meeting via the application form. A PSM must be requested at least 8 weeks before the desired date. After registration, you will receive further information from the service desk.
Please note that the following information will be requested:
- an agenda with time indication per agenda item,
- the questions you want to ask in the meeting (per area of expertise),
- specific aspects of the file that you want to discuss (for example specific studies or parts of risk requirements). Send us a description of these specific or general topics.
After receiving the necessary information, a date for the meeting will be set. An advance payment per requested expertise will be charged for organizing the meeting. The advance must be paid 3 weeks before the meeting. The final invoice will be based on actual costs incurred. In the event of an interim cancellation, the costs incurred will be charged.
The registration form below is intended for the registration of a PSM for biocides and biocidal active substances.