Public consultation

Public consultation Policy decree on implementation of Article 44 of Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009 regarding structural exceedances of the authorisation criterion in surface water

Surface water monitoring data have shown that exceedances of authorisation standards occur for a number of active substances in plant protection products. To address structural exceedances, the Ctgb wants to tighten the operational method for including monitoring data in the authorisation of plant protection products. Structural exceedances of authorisation standards may require amendment of the authorisation, while incidental exceedances indicate other causes, such as incorrect use. The Ctgb has drafted a policy decree defining criteria for such 'structural' exceedances.

The Ctgb considers it important to be able to intervene in the authorisations of products in the interim if there is justification to do so. According to Article 44 of Regulation 1107/2009, authorisations of plant protection products can be reviewed at any time. The proposed policy decree provides an operational method for reviewing such authorisations. The policy decree also has the effect of tightening the processing of pending applications, especially for minor uses.

The proposed policy decree only looks at authorisation standards for surface water from Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009. The policy decree does not concern legislation such as the Water Framework Directive and subsequent WFD and groundwater standards; regarding the discrepancy between authorisation standards and WFD standards, the Ctgb previously submitted advice to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature.

Public consultation

The draft policy decree is available for public consultation for eight weeks. The explanatory memorandum provides additional background for the policy decree; no consultation will take place on this memorandum. You can respond to the draft policy decree until 18 August 2024 by sending an email with your response to the following email address:

For this purpose, please use the comment table below and use the following subject line: “reaction [name organisation] in response to Ctgb consultation on structural exceedances GBM 2024". Your reaction is greatly appreciated.

After the consultation round, all comments from individual respondents, including the Ctgb response, will be published on the Ctgb website.

The policy decree with the explanatory memorandum and comment table will appear below.