Complaints procedure Ctgb

The Ctgb processes complaints according to the provisions in Chapter 9 of the General Administrative Law Act (Algemene wet bestuursrecht–Awb). In a supplemental Complaints Procedure, the Ctgb has appointed an internal complaint advisory committee. This internal committee is responsible for handling complaints and providing corresponding advice.

Complaints policy Ctgb

Complaints are initially handled informally and locally in the organisation. Of course, the primary aim is to avoid complaints in the first place.

How do you submit a complaint?

Complaints can be submitted in writing or orally.
Orally submitted complaints are processed informally as the norm, where the complainant remains entitled to initiate the formal complaint procedure. You can submit your complaint orally to the member of staff/his or her manager whose job in the organisation is related to the subject of your complaint. If desired, clients can contact the account manager.

Written complaints can be processed informally only if this is satisfactory for the complainant. You can submit written complaints by e-mail or by regular mail addressed to the Director of the Ctgb, Postbus 8030, 6710 AA, Ede.

Requirements for a written complaint

In any case, a written complaint contains the name and address of the complainant, the date of submission and a description of the behaviour which the complaint concerns.

Formal procedure with a written complaint

After confirmation of receipt and registration of the complaint, the Complaint Advisory Committee evaluates the complaint or whether the complaint can be taken into consideration pursuant to Section 9.1 Awb. If the Advisory Committee recommends that the complaint not be taken into consideration, the complainant will be informed in writing no more than four weeks after receipt of the complaint by the Director.

If the complaint is taken into consideration, the Complaint Advisory Committee will investigate the complaint. The Complaint Advisory Committee will provide the complainant with the opportunity for a hearing unless the complaint is found to be groundless or the complainant has stated that he or she does not wish to be given a hearing.

The Complaint Advisory Committee sends its advice and possible recommendations, as well as the report on the hearing, to the Director. The processing of complaints is mandated to the Director of the Ctgb with the exception of complaints about the behaviour of the Board or its individual members. These complaints will be handled by the Board.

The Director will inform the complainant in writing, including an explanation, of the findings of the investigation into the complaint as well as the possible conclusions ensuing from the investigation.
When will you receive a definitive decision about your complaint? The entire procedure will last a maximum of ten weeks with the possibility of a four-week extension.

Registration of complaints

Informal complaints will be registered whenever possible.
Formal complaints are always registered. This gives the organisation insight into the nature and magnitude of the complaints, so that improvements can be made. The registered complaints (after being anonymised) are included in an annual report.

Contact information


0317 – 471 810

Are you dissatisfied?

If you are dissatisfied about the handling of your complaint, you can contact the National Ombudsman, Postbus 93122, 2509 AC, Den Haag.